Saturday, April 12, 2008

Adultery, Execution and a Little Religion

So we started the day off with a little English breakfast and much to our surprise...well especially my husband's...they eat baked beans for breakfast. I remembered Dad saying something about beans on toast..but seeing it in real life with a big ole' banger next to them...well quite interesting. So we stuck to the toast and fruit for our first meal...

Then we headed over to the Tower of London...for a glance of how to lose your head in London....don't leave your children here and the wonderful crown jewels...oh to have that diamond! Sorry ladies no pictures allowed of the family jewels (you can credit Matthew for that line.) The Tower of London was the location for the beheading of Anne Boleyn (2nd wife to Henry VIII) because she did not give him a male heir even though he claimed she had committed adultery. Gees men demanding!

Then for the nerd in both of us, we headed over to the Tower Bridge...a wonderful feat in Victorian engineering that is still working today with a little update plus it had wonderful views of the Thames.

After leaving the Tower Bridge we walked along the Thames and passed a little ole bridge that we sang songs about as kids.....and our parents lied to us....LONDON BRIDGE IS NOT FALLING DOWN and we have proof right here!
And of course we had to pass the QUEEN on our walk...
Our walk led us to the newest bridge in London, the Millenium Bridge which crosse the Thames and drops you off a St. Paul's Cathedral.

After a long day around the city we met up with Kyle, our buddy from Tech (greatest school in the world) and had Italian. Believe it or not Italian food in England is very very good.
More to come tomorrow. We are planning to go out to Hampton Court and Palace. Home to Henry VIII.

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