Thursday, March 5, 2009

I am here...I promise

You know blogging can really be intimidating....lately when I have been venturing into the blog world. I mean the decorating blogs, the organizing blogs and the cooking blogs...a lady actually used her crockpot for 365 days straight. I get overwhelmed thinking how do they have time to keep such great blogs, do all the stuff they blog about and then read other great blogs. So my creative side is trying to show the pattern and the fabric for the curtain I want to sew are sitting on the kitchen table. Will I ever have something to blog about that is just as cool? Don't answer that Hillary!

Matt kept trying to convince me that I wanted a Wii for Christmas but he could never convince me. You know diamonds are such a better gift! So I came home from a work dinner the other week and guess what my surprise was...oh yea a Wii and a Wii Fit. You think he is trying to tell me something. No matter his thought process, we have had the best time laughing at each other trying to balance on that little white board....Matt doing Yoga doesn't that just make you giggle....or hula hooping :)
The past couple of weeks have been just a big ole struggle...God and I have been wrestlin'. Wrestling with my need to be in control....I want to plan. Yes I know hard to believe (just see the results of the personality test GE gave me). I want to analyze and plan...I want the logical path but it just doesn't work that way. There are good days when all is happy and I think I have given all these worries over to Him...and then it just creeps back over. I feel petty asking for you to remember me in your prayers...but just remember Matt is living with me and he has to put up with my cranky actions when I am worrying and wrestlin' so if anything pray for him... LOL

So Laura is asking for pictures on my blog today. So pictures of what I ask? Here are two from Oxford (you just feel smarter walking down those cobblestone streets)....I have the travel bug again. It's bad but I just don't think I can handle 8 weeks away from my sweetie again ...but then again ...nah! He has been extra sweet lately....maybe just maybe he will take me to NYC this know if I give in to attending a baseball game at the new stadium for the Yankees I should at least get a trip to Tiffany's and this time the box better not be EMPTY!

Matt is busy working this weekend (yeah right bunch of salesmen and women together more like a bunch of talking) and so I have filled my weekend catching up with some of the wonderful ladies in my life and I can't wait so Laura yes more pictures after this weekend :) that is if I remember my camera!