Monday, January 24, 2011

Vday card

Such A Sweetheart Valentine's Day
Modern greeting cards and party invitations by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Big really Ice Storm

These are a few pictures from Monday when we ventured out with Gavin. He just needed some fresh air so we layered him from triple onsies and babylegs to flannel lined overalls, sweat, jacket, and mittens. We haven't attempted to leave the neighborhood yet but I think Matt won't last too much! And I was right. He has attempted to leave at 5pm on Tuesday...let's see how far he gets!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

13 Months

Gavin is almost 13 months and busy busy busy! He has to find his "route" where ever we go. In other words he finds a path and he walks that path carrying toys..talking...finding things he's not suppose to... you name it! Over Christmas his "talking" exploded with him exploring using his tongue and now he has whole "conversations" with you. Just ask Matt's dad...late one night while we were visiting Gavin was off his sleep schedule and woke around midnight and ended up giving Matt and his dad a lecture including arm motions!

The adventure of taking away the bottle has started. I am not a current believer of going cold turkey because I feel like that will be torture due to his current classroom at school. He's in a transition room from small infants to junior toddlers so many of his fellow classmates are just crawling and still heavy bottle users.

Gavin's current stats: 23 lbs, 29 3/4" in height and 18 3/4 inches in head circumference

Gavin had his first visit to the ER right before Christmas just as we started our trek around the Southeast. We are not quite sure exactly what food items Gavin is allergic to but we are headed for blood tests this week and are armed with epipens. It was quite an experience that I hope and pray we never have again.

We had a wonderful Christmas season with family and friends! And are looking forward to a calm January because February and March are looking to be busy months with a wedding and several babies on the way!