Well the morning started out with us picking up our rental car and heading over to the Queen's crib. She was jealous that we went and saw the "King" when we got here and didn't let her know we had arrived.
Once we arrived at the Queen's house her guards let us in the house for some tea.

Any one feel like the Wizard of Oz?...."Oh wee oh, oh hum, oh wee oh, oh hum"
The people came to see us as they gathered round our rental car with excitement and adoration.
Even the animals of the land gathered round to see us.....
They were so excited that they could not contain themselves....
Matt Davis can tell you what that is above if you are curious.
We also caught a glimpse of Super Girl on her way to save someone but she had to change into her disguise.
It was great because when she flew away we hitched a ride to get some better shots of the city.
She was tired so she dropped us off at the London Eye.
And rode in what looked like a glass pill. But really it was a miniature microwave oven because it was HOT in there. I think this is where the Easy Bake Oven came from.
Well we are off to Stonehenge tomorrow in Salisbury.
MY! What adventures our SUPER HEROS are having!
I made the blog ... whooo hooo.
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