Sunday, July 22, 2012

He's 2.5...

G Little's becoming such a big boy! Embracing his age with patience and amazement ...Ha! that's what I tell myself and as I type this it might come back to get me. But I'm loving this stage of life with my guys. Here's a catch up on G's comings and goings:
  • Everyday it seems he's learning new words or phrases but still has plenty of G Little jibberish. Getting better at saying Please, Thank You, Ma'am & Sir. He asks "What's wrong?", will tell you to "Look at him" (can you guess who says that to him), and lets you know when you did a great job by saying "Awesome! Good job Buddy"
  • The big question of potty training just hold on grandmas, it's the last season of jonjon's and this Momma is bound and determined to enjoy them. But he's making good progress at school and even has the teachers laughing :) He picked out some Thomas drawers on Friday. Those good ole Gerber training pants are huge!
  • He's still obsessed with golf. You can find at least a dozen golf balls under the couch and entertainment center and that doesn't count the ones in our cars, his school cubby or the flower beds.
  • He loves the Braves and will break out into the chop when he hears the music. He recognizes the stadium and will loudly let you know when you drive by. As you might imagine, baseball is coming in a close second to golf these days.
  • He's a little guy and this Momma might have done a happy dance when weighing him the other day so close to 29 lbs. We have started giving him Carnation Instant breakfast in his milk to keep his calorie intake high and he's labeled it "Special Milk" and its super sweet to hear him ask for his Special Milk. Yup, he's still on whole milk.
  • He can point out a Chick-fil-a...or better known as "Chicken". Yeah you know that's his dad's favorite restaurant. But a Moe's quesadilla is high on his list as well.
  • He's recognizing letters and numbers. He will count to himself ...definitely not the correct order yet and will slip in some Spanish when he feels like it. 
  • He still loves watching Thomas and playing with his trains but has discovered Super Why or as he refers to it....Super Duper 
  • He's still humming...while concentrating, bored in the car, sleepy which now includes patting his blankies.
  • He loves cookies...and to eat the icing off his cupcakes

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