Over the last few weeks the terrible has shown up from spitting and telling his teachers no to throwing his plate of food on the floor at dinner.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Swim Vest vs. Puddle Jumper
He's swimming like a fish! Partly due to his lack of fear and the swim lessons he's been taking all summer at our local Aquatots. Before our beach trip I purchased this swim vest at Target. Let me say its been a great purchase. With G Little being a skinny kid, the puddle jumper was just not doing it. Its too wide and limits his arm movements. Last year it was perfect to keep his confidence in the pool so not a total waste of funds.
He had his first rescue by the life guard this past week. It was quite funny! He tossed in his crocs in the pool and decided to go after them towel and all. Matt jumped in to his rescue and of course he came up laughing. Matt gets him out and yup he takes off running to the other side of the life guards chair and jumps in. He does pretty well coming back to the surface and the lifeguard was kneeling there waiting on him. I know how can I say funny but we were right there the whole time. And let's say there is a new family rule, G Little doesn't take off his swim vest until he's safely back home.
Here's a great video of the swim vest in action during vacation. We skipped naps on this day...and ignore my voice!
He had his first rescue by the life guard this past week. It was quite funny! He tossed in his crocs in the pool and decided to go after them towel and all. Matt jumped in to his rescue and of course he came up laughing. Matt gets him out and yup he takes off running to the other side of the life guards chair and jumps in. He does pretty well coming back to the surface and the lifeguard was kneeling there waiting on him. I know how can I say funny but we were right there the whole time. And let's say there is a new family rule, G Little doesn't take off his swim vest until he's safely back home.
Here's a great video of the swim vest in action during vacation. We skipped naps on this day...and ignore my voice!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
He's 2.5...
G Little's becoming such a big boy! Embracing his age with patience and amazement ...Ha! that's what I tell myself and as I type this it might come back to get me. But I'm loving this stage of life with my guys. Here's a catch up on G's comings and goings:
- Everyday it seems he's learning new words or phrases but still has plenty of G Little jibberish. Getting better at saying Please, Thank You, Ma'am & Sir. He asks "What's wrong?", will tell you to "Look at him" (can you guess who says that to him), and lets you know when you did a great job by saying "Awesome! Good job Buddy"
- The big question of potty training just hold on grandmas, it's the last season of jonjon's and this Momma is bound and determined to enjoy them. But he's making good progress at school and even has the teachers laughing :) He picked out some Thomas drawers on Friday. Those good ole Gerber training pants are huge!
- He's still obsessed with golf. You can find at least a dozen golf balls under the couch and entertainment center and that doesn't count the ones in our cars, his school cubby or the flower beds.
- He loves the Braves and will break out into the chop when he hears the music. He recognizes the stadium and will loudly let you know when you drive by. As you might imagine, baseball is coming in a close second to golf these days.
- He's a little guy and this Momma might have done a happy dance when weighing him the other day so close to 29 lbs. We have started giving him Carnation Instant breakfast in his milk to keep his calorie intake high and he's labeled it "Special Milk" and its super sweet to hear him ask for his Special Milk. Yup, he's still on whole milk.
- He can point out a Chick-fil-a...or better known as "Chicken". Yeah you know that's his dad's favorite restaurant. But a Moe's quesadilla is high on his list as well.
- He's recognizing letters and numbers. He will count to himself ...definitely not the correct order yet and will slip in some Spanish when he feels like it.
- He still loves watching Thomas and playing with his trains but has discovered Super Why or as he refers to it....Super Duper
- He's still humming...while concentrating, bored in the car, sleepy which now includes patting his blankies.
- He loves cookies...and to eat the icing off his cupcakes
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Unconditional Love
You think you get it. The words the mothers who have come before you speak of, but until they place him in your arms...see him hurt...sick..and now running full speed ahead. You don't. It truly is your heart walking outside of yourself. I could just cover his cheeks in kisses and listen to him giggle all day...boy do I miss him while I am at work!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Just waiting on a door....
We are so close to being finished with the outside! Just a bit more around the roof...and waiting on Lowe's to deliver the RIGHT french doors. See if Matt would of let me order those barn doors....And then the painters can come!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Mud Bath Anyone?
With the construction in the backyard...we had quite a mud pit with last week's rain. We were all out there Friday playing between showers when Gavin ran towards the edge of the porch and shot back his mischievous look. You could see it in his eyes...yup he jumped right off the back porch into the biggest mud puddle. This had to be one of the best laughs we have had so far because once he jumped it caused him to loose his balance and belly flop right in the nice red Georgia clay. He then proceeded to do his best Tom Cruise impression from the first Mission Impossible...on his belly trying not to put his hands in the stickiness...so wish I had the camera to catch it. But here is the aftermath...
Any tips on getting red Georgia clay stains out of clothes?
Any tips on getting red Georgia clay stains out of clothes?
Out Latest Adventure
Four years ago I came home from London to find this master piece; our arbor, stone work and sod in the backyard. We have really enjoyed and all the fun we have had back there with friends and family. But with the addition of G Little, it just seems we need a place to put all those toys....and with all the Spring pollen it lead us to the idea of adding a sunroom! So our latest adventure....has brought down the arbor.
Gavin is enjoying his last swing...don't worry I have asked for it to be moved to a new location.
And by Tuesday afternoon, we had the concrete pad and stone patio done...more progress to come!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
I love that Gavin loves books and we have quite the collection growing in this house. I just can't say no to them :) Some of his favorites right now are the Spot books...and I guess he's been paying attention when Matt and I read them to him. He's finally awake on this lazy Saturday morning...so enjoy because I am racing up the stairs now to see get some good morning sugar!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

In January, G Little made the transition to the 2 year old room at his school. Maybe you can blame it on my over reaction as a first time Momma...or the stage of life...but this has been the hardest room for him to adjust. His teachers aren't quite as lovey as the previous ones and the class is FULL which is something knew to us. We have been blessed so far to have smaller class sizes so he's adjusting to the reduction in attention...dealing with bigger kids, not napping very well and learing new tasks like drinking out of a cup. We got two reports this past week that he's been very talkative and interrupting class...I wonder who he got that from! :) But I will say how amazing it is to listen to his speech blossom by being with the bigger kids in his class (I know one day I won't be saying that when he learns additional vocabulary!). Everday its something knew....and his new phrases include...Momma that's fun! What are you doing? And he will tell you to "seat" or "help"... now can name the trains for Thomas the train. And buddy will he repeat a word over and over until you listen or take the action he wants!
Mowing grass is so dangerous you need to wear your helmet :)

Sorry this picture is out of focused...practicing but I love his cheesy grin!

Saturday, February 11, 2012
Christmas Recap
What a great holiday season! We love all our traditions of celebrating with family and friends. I don't have near the photos I should of taken to capture it all. We did our annual trip to see Santa in downtown Acworth with the Tharpes and had our small family Christmas celebrations with Amanda and the Davis. We even added a new tradition (Matt objects but he will get over it) of going to ride the pink pig...an Atlanta Christmas tradition. We made birthday cupcakes with Josh and Nana on Christmas Eve and then I watched as my dad ruined any hopes of Gavin eating on Christmas Day with cookies and milk for breakfast. We thoroughly enjoyed celebrating with our families...and so glad we were able to catch up with the Kansas cousins...Kash Man and G Little had a blast dancing away on the pool table. We will have to watch out for the ladies!
Here's G Little enoying his Christmas cookies...in his favorite spot at my parents...
Here's G Little enoying his Christmas cookies...in his favorite spot at my parents...
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