Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Good Day

We had a good day! G Little visited the ENT for a check up on those tubes today. Knock on wood! We have had no ear infections since April! So they are still perfectly placed and he was on super behavior for the hearing test they gave him. The audiologist was loving him. Sadly I had more conference calls so it was back to school for him. G Little was not happy!

Yup, we are stellar parents this year and instead of making the trip to one of the hundreds of pumpkin patches around here....we went to Pike's. Hey, all the pumpkins are half off! And yup I loaded up the red wagon with as many as Matt would let me take home. G Little was just as happy to watch the guy blowing the leaves. Followed by yummy bbq, baths and a tired boy who went sweetly to bed.

Can't wait to carve our pumpkins tomorrow!

And most of all I can't wait to meet Baby Davis! Momma Davis was admitted this evening :)

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