Friday, August 23, 2013

Oh how he has grown

July 2010 - 7 months
July 2011 - 18 months
July 2012 - 2 years
April 2013 - 3 years
Watching Gavin take the tball field tonight has this momma a bit sentimental and wondering how can he be old enough. Looking back through pictures tonight just adds to I better start snapping more pictures because Gavin and Grant are changing so much each day!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Grant 2 Months

At two months Grant Everett: 
  • goes to bed around 8:30 PM, wakes between 1-3 AM to nurse, and goes back to sleep until around 6:30/7 AM
  • is on a very flexible eat, play, sleep routine
  • can easily nap in the swing, in the front carrier, or in his pack 'n play. He is hit or miss on the car seat.
  • has a specific little cry that says...I'm tired.
  • has really started cooing and smiling at us a lot over the last two weeks
  • is loved very much by his big brother. Sometimes a little too physically.
  • is pretty strong and has been at holding up his head. Enjoys time on his play mat but not necessarily on his belly.
  • is wearing 0-3 month and 3 month clothing and size 2 diapers. Outgrowing some of his 0-3 month clothes already.
  • continues to be a very laid back, sweet baby boy  
 At his doctor's appointment, Grant weighted 12 lbs 11 ounces (69%), 24" (82%) in length, and 12" (63%) in head circumference. In the doctor's words, he's just perfect!