Sunday, October 27, 2013

Grant 4 Months

Wow! Somehow 3 months just disappeared with starting back to work...

At 4 months Grant:

  • discovered his feet
  • screams when he's hungry or wants attention or mad in his car seat
  • loves the johnny jumper/excersauser
  • his hair looks like a crew cut...growing in more and more each day
  • was consistently getting up once a night....
  • but now we can see the two bottom who knows at night!
  • not quite the snuggler as Gavin
  • LOVES bath time and getting lotioned up afterwards...but HATES putting his jammies on
  • weighed in at 16 lbs 9 oz, 26.5 inches long and 17 inches head circumference
Overall a happy, happy, happy baby :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Oh how he has grown

July 2010 - 7 months
July 2011 - 18 months
July 2012 - 2 years
April 2013 - 3 years
Watching Gavin take the tball field tonight has this momma a bit sentimental and wondering how can he be old enough. Looking back through pictures tonight just adds to I better start snapping more pictures because Gavin and Grant are changing so much each day!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Grant 2 Months

At two months Grant Everett: 
  • goes to bed around 8:30 PM, wakes between 1-3 AM to nurse, and goes back to sleep until around 6:30/7 AM
  • is on a very flexible eat, play, sleep routine
  • can easily nap in the swing, in the front carrier, or in his pack 'n play. He is hit or miss on the car seat.
  • has a specific little cry that says...I'm tired.
  • has really started cooing and smiling at us a lot over the last two weeks
  • is loved very much by his big brother. Sometimes a little too physically.
  • is pretty strong and has been at holding up his head. Enjoys time on his play mat but not necessarily on his belly.
  • is wearing 0-3 month and 3 month clothing and size 2 diapers. Outgrowing some of his 0-3 month clothes already.
  • continues to be a very laid back, sweet baby boy  
 At his doctor's appointment, Grant weighted 12 lbs 11 ounces (69%), 24" (82%) in length, and 12" (63%) in head circumference. In the doctor's words, he's just perfect!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Braves Game

Matt has been keeping Gavin busy over the last few weeks as we were waiting for Grant and adjusting to having a baby brother. He's been golfing, braves game, swimming and lots more.

The week of the 4th Papa and Matt took Gavin to the game where he got two baseballs. One from the Braves pitching coach as he was walking to the dugout and then a foul ball hit by Jason Heyward to say he had a blast is an understatement. Plus Matt added to his collection by buying him a new bat.

Little Golfer

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Grant 1 Month

Can't believe a month has already passed with this sweet little guy.

At one month Grant:

  • is usually content unless he is hungry or wet
  • loves the paci to sooth him when he is tired or has the hiccups
  • has started to sleep a long stretch from 8 pm for 4 to 5 hours then followed by another 3 hour stretch
  • still working to predict a day time schedule looks like he has a long morning nap
  • weighed in at 9 pounds 15 ounces
  • has gotten baby acne
  • loves to sleep on my chest
  • has started to notice his mobile on the swing and enjoys spending time stretched out
  • is still sleeping in our room with the sound machine
  • definitely knows his big brother and when he is around
Here are a few more pictures from Grant's first month.

Gavin and Grant

Meeting Josh and Emma.

Tolerates baths most of the time.

Brunch with the Davis' and Parkers'. Getting to meet sweet Miss Bonnie.

 And a comparison between Gavin and Grant's first month photos.

Gavin - 1 month
Grant - 1 month

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Sweet Sleep

Grant's First Week

Grant is finally here...


Lots of family came to visit at the hospital. Matt's grandmother holding Grant for the first time.

 Daddy watching over Grant as he bakes on the lights to fight jaundice.

Ready to go home. Mommy has mixed emotions so ready to be at home but loving our nurse.

Forgot how tiny they look in the car seat for the first time...

Grant in the swing for the first time....

Grant is already really alert. Here he is listening to Papa Golden.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

41 Weeks

I had marked off most of the to do list between work, laundry, pedicure(s), manicure, massage, hair nights...Father's Day presents! And this boy just did not want to come and I was determined to not be induced. I just knew he would decide to come on his own accord. At 40 weeks they did an ultrasound and he looked great so we decided to wait to set an induction date. I was a bit worried after she estimated his weight was 8lbs & 1oz plus or minus 7 ounces. I could be delivering a 9 pounder!!

On June 14th we headed in for our 41 week appointment, he looked great on the stress test and we were just over 3 centimeters. The midwives again believed he would come on his own but we set an induction date as a backup plan. Christy did a bit of magic and I just knew we wouldn't make it through the weekend.

We left the doctor's office and headed straight to finish up Matt's Father's Day to see Man of Steel. The movie was great but as you could imagine my mind was wondering all over the place and the fight seen would never end! I was suddenly exhausted so home to the couch I went. We ordered Chinese (big mistake!!) and I decided I would lay down with Gavin for some snuggles. All I could think is these could be my last for awhile and boy was I right! Gavin was anxious and could not settle down...we read books and the contractions started...I sang to him and rubbed his back and the contractions kept coming. I finally just gave up and told him I need to go see Daddy. Daddy had just fallen asleep on the couch when I told him it would be a good idea to get up and back his bag!

We waited around for an hour or so and the contractions were 3 minutes apart consistently and scaring my non-labor & delivery loving RN of a sister. So call to the midwife and off we went....

We made it to the hospital by midnight and this time I did not let Matt run the red lights :) so no crazy police stories! The contractions were staying consistent and increasing in strength, while the crazy nurse had the audacity to tell me that they were probably sending me home because I was still at 3.5 cm. When she left the room I told Matt over my dead body were we leaving the hospital....all the signs were there that this boy had finally decided to make his grand entrance.

Sure enough she came in and said we were staying since I was at 41 weeks....and they started moving to get us into a room and the epidural business started. I labored through the night listening to Matt snore :) and at 41 weeks 5 hours and 51 minutes we welcomed baby brother at 8 lbs and 1 oz and 20 inches long.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Guys

Love them! And can't wait to see how the dynamics change with Baby Brother....the fun to come!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Soaking up the sun..

And this sweet time with my little guy. He enjoyed our lazy day of naps and sand.

Friday, April 5, 2013


 We started our Easter celebrations with an egg hunt at school. Gavin wouldn't slow down for a picture and was super excited about the treats in the eggs. Then we finally had been cleared to travel by the doctors so we made one last trip to Albany before little brother arrives.

Aunt Tori is as much a kiddo as Gavin. They colored eggs together and I am just surprised none of them cracked with Gavin's dunking skills!

We got some cousin time in while we were at Grandma and Papa's including some snuggles with Baby Davis.

You think I am kidding about Aunt Tori but she put her Easter basket out with Gavin and of course the Easter bunny filled both their baskets with goodies.


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Cousin Fun at Turner Field

 Matt has wanted to take a tour of Turner Field for awhile now so he ventured out with the boy cousins and the help of Papa and Uncle Kevin. They had a blast and Matt was just as exhausted after chasing G Little all over. He's quite the runner and its definitely scary in parking lots or when I am by myself because these days I am not running that fast! Papa informed him that he acted just the same as a little guy. So its payback...