We have been a pretty busy crew around this house lately. Between work travel, family and friend get togethers, & a little guy constantly on the go. Gavin is so much fun. Of course I love the baby stage...sweet cuddles and gummy smiles...but this age is a blast. Little Man is learning something new everyday. It's just complete amazement. Friday, he turned to his daddy and out of no where said..."Hold This." Speaking of speech...
We have been battling ear infections since last October with at least one a month and combine that with the RSV, allergy testing, and random stomach bugs, we have have worn out the insurance card. The ear infections lead to our pediatrican to determine it was definitely time to visit the ENT for a consultation. She was worried about the frequency and possible delay in his speech. Last Tuesday Little Man recieved tubes in both ears and the hopes and prayers that our ear infections and runny noses will be limited. But I will have to say it was one of the worst days as a parent. Gavin did really well with the surgery and it was over before I had even settled back into his room. After napping that morning though, he woke with a 104 fever and a very panicking mommy especially hearing the worry in the nurse's voice. A quick call to the ENT's office had us back to the Pediatric ER for x-rays and more poking. Lucily we weren't having a reaction to any of his meds just seeing the infection for the ticking time bomb in his left ear and a mucus plug in his right lung from the surgery. We are very thankful for the great customer service at Kennestone that day...the nurses, doctors and staff were all wonderful and loving with Gavin. (How do other working Mom's handle this...now we are home with a stomach bug. Pray that my new manager continues to be as flexible and understanding as my previous one.)
With having no ear infection for a month, his jibering and random words have definitely increased with conversational jabbering and hand motions for great emphasis! :) He is saying repeatedly the following: uh-oh, more, baby up or baby down, hi, hello, bye bye, momma, daddy, night night, go, moon (which sounds a lot like more) and a version of thank you. Some things he says out of the blue and he won't repeat to save your life are two, five, hold this, the end, a version of elmo and a version that sounds like he's counting to three with major clapping when he's finished. Can't wait to see how much progress he makes now that the fluid is no longer behind his ears....Matt dreamed he has a british accent so we will see ;) Plus he seems to be a lot less clumsy with his walking...a point the ENT made after seeing G face planted in front of him. Great Parental Moment I tell you!
At our latest well visit his stats were: 24 lbs 1oz, 31.25" in height and 19" head circumference.
He is becoming so much fun outdoors with loving to play golf even mimicking Matt's head motions, riding his toys, pushing his toys to mimic Matt mowing grass and now we have added climbing. So all kitchen chairs must be pushed under grandmas...or you will find him on top of the kitchen table...just saying! We have had a few full ledge tantrums but mainly shouts of exasperation...I'm not ready to for the terrible two's. He's also trying to kiss and not just slobbery lick you face. And we finally have 8 teeth...four on the top and four on the bottom. What a LONG six or so weeks it was to get the newest two in!
Well hopefully this catches you up the G Man....and his current happenings!